6.5.2 - Display Format With Last Modified Date

We have a custom display format that uses rx:sys_contentlastmodifieddate as one of the columns. Everything works great, except different content types have the date formatted differently. If you have multiple content types in one folder, it becomes hard to sort the column. Has anyone else experienced this? Or could someone point me in the right direction to modify the display of this field so that each content type is consistent?


Another customer reported this issue recently. What seems to happen is that the format of the date is changed if the column immediately to the left of the date column is null. The issue is logged as RX-16017.


Has anything come of this issue? I have just noticed that it is still present in 6.7 for us.


This issue is slated to be worked on in the future.

If it is a significant problem for you, contact Tech Support and request that its priority be reconsidered.