6.7 Post edition tasks chaining editions

Hi hope someone can help

We are upgrading to 6.7 and want to use the post edition tasks to chain a file publish edition and a database publish so one happens after the other.

With the post edition tasks the only one available is the sys_editionCommandTask which runs an external command, in schedule tasks there is an extension sys_runedition can this be used as a post edition task and if so how? Or do we need to run the edition using sys_editionCommandTask using a similar command to the one we used to us to trigger publishing via cron?


Another option could be to start the database publish edition directly after the file publish edition starts - and run them with the same priority. Looking at the “CM System 6.7 Publishing Performance” PDF file that has been posted in the Upgrade Discussion forum is says that if you start two editions and they both have the same priority, processing of the second edition will be on hold until the first edition is complete.

This probably isn’t as robust (ie., if you’re doing some chaining you may want to work out some way of checking publishing status codes etc. before running the database publish) but its a quick way of achieving what you want.

If you have an external command (batch or shell-script) that can be used to invoke the database publishing, then you should be able to create a post task within the file publishing edition to call the external command.

Invoking 2 different edition with the same priority may not be a good idea. The better approach may be to assign higher priority for the file publishing and lower priority for the database publishing, which will garranty file publishing to be finished first.

Make sure to apply latest patch of 6.7 if you want to invoke an edition from an external command (batch or shell-script). There is a patch for 6.7 that fixed a bug for this feature.

Thanks for your suggestions

Our chaining requirements are actually fairly complicated. To keep everything in sync we are using SQLite database on the webservers but publishing from rhythmyx to and oracle DB we have a script which copies from the Oracle DB to the SQLite file so this needs to be run once the database publish is finished then at the end of the file system publish we need to kick of an rsync process.

My plan was to have the Database publish run first which then ran the filesystem edition which in turn ran a script that copied to the SQLite DB and then ran rsync.

I will look into using a script to run the filesystem editon.
