6.7.x does not support sql tables containing column names

Although sql server supports spaces in column names percussion seems to have trouble with them when building an XML Application with a condition using a “Backend Column”. After building out my application I am getting:

An error occurred processing the query submitted by session id {omitted…} Invalid column name ‘{First column name segment before space}’

I did a SQL trace just for kicks and found that the statement used is not getting escaped with [My Column Name].

SELECT DISTINCT MyTable.My Column Name FROM MyDataBase.MySchema.MyTable MyTable

Looks like I may need to create some views as a workaround :frowning:

The system tries to be portable across several backend databases so when you are using vendor specific features, like spaces in table or column names, or reserved words in column names, things sometimes don’t work.

A view is definitely a good way around this.
