7.3 inline variant encoding

We are testing our system upgrade from 6.7 to 7.3. Content items that have inline variants are no longer previewing properly. Left and right brackets (< and >) of html tags are being converted to < and >.

Is there an inbetween version config setting I am missing or some other solution to this?


Sorry about that post. My code was converted. My left and right tag brackets are converting to & lt; and & gt;

Are you saying that literal angle brackets in your template source are being converted to char entity refs on preview?

What do you see when you insert an inline template containing mark-up and then click on the “code” tab?

Yes correct, in preview AND publish.

The code view appears like this:

<div class="rxbodyfield">
<div inlinetype="rxvariant" sys_relationshipid="262631" unselectable="on" rxinlineslot="105" contenteditable="false" class="rx_ephox_inlinevariant" rxanchortext="" rxselectedtext="" sys_dependentvariantid="1059" sys_dependentid="54202" contenteditable="false" unselectable="on">
<div contenteditable="false" unselectable="on">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed augue non ligula auctor scelerisque eu sed enim. Vestibulum consectetur non dui placerat pellentesque. Integer sit amet cursus mauris. In libero odio, bibendum at ipsum sed, faucibus lacinia purus. Integer sodales eros et enim congue, et condimentum mauris laoreet. Nunc nulla mi, porta in lectus vel, consequat pretium felis. Mauris faucibus hendrerit erat, in tristique sem rhoncus vitae. Ut vitae libero lorem. Mauris eleifend et sem eleifend fermentum. Donec vitae tortor justo. Aliquam consectetur nunc neque, sed sodales lectus lobortis in. Donec urna dui, ullamcorper faucibus facilisis vitae, consequat in ipsum. Mauris ultricies dolor sit amet lacus aliquet ultricies.</div>

I can’t seem to reproduce this. Can you send me your inline template? chris_leger@percussion.com