A new Patch update is available for CM1 5.3 SR1 - Patch ID: 5315_20190704

A new patch has been released for CM1 5.3 SR1. This patch includes a number of updates like reCaptcha support for the Forms Widget, certified support for all Percussion widgets with JQuery 3.4.1 on the published website, and a new JQuery widget. More information on everything included in the patch can be found on the help site. The patch may be downloaded from the Support Portal.




This is interesting especially the jQuery changes with your new widget. I reviewed the page you shared on this thread: https://help.percussion.com/percussion-cm1/design/javascript-css-frameworks/jquery-widget/.

What about the NoConflict? NoConflict is currently on our webpages (in the footer area via shared asset), we have two jQueries total: one is 1.7x (CM1 owned) and one is 1.10.2 (ours) using with jQuery.noConflict only due to two special scripts that required the latest version which are: Adobe Accessible Mega Menu and Accessible Tab.

You can view the source code here.

What do you think?

noconflict was a good work around in prior versions.

It isn’t ideal performance wise to have to load 2 jQuery versions, and there are security benefits to updating your jQuery version, so it is worth moving away from the noconflict approach.

The simplest thing to do would be to update the web_resources/cm/jslib/jquery.js on the cm1 server with your current or latest 1.1 version. You could then add the jQuery widget to your templates and test out jQuery 3.4.x with jQuery Migrate 3.4.x and fix anything that is erroring out on specific templates. If you haven’t done much custom JavaScript, the amount of changes that you will need should be small.

This does require the latest patch level.
