A new Patch update is available for CM1 5.3 SR1 - patch ID: 5315_20190810

A new patch update is available for Cm1 5.3 SR1. This rollup patch includes a minor update to TLS support introduced the prior patch that resolves a problem with the HTTPS connector in CM1 and includes the newer GCM ciphers by default that Chrome prefers for TLS.

The patch release notes can be found on the help site:


The Patch can be downloaded from the Support portal:


Let us know if you have any questions,


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Is there an alternate download path? I’m getting an “oops You’re not authorized to access this page” message.

Hi Josh,

If you sign into the support portal and refresh / revisit the link you should see the downloads, if that isn’t working let us know and we’ll make sure that you have the right permissions.


I’m not seeing the download either.
The link leads to an unauthorized page; as Josh mentioned above.
I don’t see any 5.3 download links on the support portal.


Try logging out and then back in.


Looks like the links are working now. Thank you.

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Nate I’m not seeing 5.3 download or patches either.

Try logging out and back in to the support portal. The team is updating statuses of accounts so if you hit this problem just send a quick note to support and they can fix the view for you.


All good now.


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Any updates on 5.4? :wink:

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