A section of the template has deleted my content

I have been making updates to templates, and when I copied an existing template to make changes to the layout, the original template made the same changes and removed the content in those sections. Since it was at template level, i can’t go back to a previous version on the page. Is there anyway to get my content back?


If I’m understanding you correctly, it sounds like you created your new template (based on the original template) and then made changes to some of the content contained in the template(s).

Content created at the template level becomes “shared assets”. In other words – if you have some copy, or an image, that you use in multiple templates and you make a change to that copy or image - it will be changed in all of the templates that contain that particular asset.

I hope this make sense.


Bill’s explanation is mostly correct. Content created on the template can either be a local asset (resides only on the template) or a shared asset. If it is a shared asset, it can be used on multiple pages or templates. It sounds from your problem that is what has happened.  If you edit a shared asset it will be updated on all places where it is used.  That being said, you can open the shared asset in the Finder, and then restore a prior version of the asset if you wish. Templates do not have revisions that can be restored, but the shared assets on the templates can.  

Thank you for the reply,

What happened was after I copied the template and removed a section of that template, it moved the content within that section to the “Unused Assets”. Once I found that content I was able to place it into another section in the template without losing any data.