Accessing 6.5 web service

Hi There

I am trying to add a web reference in a .NET project to Rhythmyx, but I get the following error:

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8” ?>

  • <PSXLogErrorSet class=“Request handler not found” host=“uslcms01” port=“39992” protocol=“http” root="/Rhythmyx" rxroot=“http://uslcms01:39992/Rhythmyx”>
    <Error id=“0”>A handler could not be found to handle the request for (/Rhythmyx/WebServices/6.0.0/design/rhythmyx.wsdl) submitted by session id .</Error>

Note that Rhythmyx is running on an internal machine uslcms01 port 39992, and we can access the content explorer OK.

I am using this URL for the web reference


Thanks for any help


You have the wrong URL for the WSDL. For the content service, your URL will be something like this:

(I know that the Documentation is confusing: it’s talking about “File Locations” which are not the same as URLs).

In the currently shipping version (6.5) and perhaps some earlier versions, these URLs don’t work properly: This is a known bug and it will be fixed in 6.5.1.

Thanks for this David - Is there any way we can work around the issue - using the URL you suggested we get the following now - is this the known bug?:

AXIS error
Sorry, something seems to have gone wrong… here are the details:

Fault - makeTypeElement() was told to create a type “{}>PSKeyword”, with no containing element
faultCode: {}Server.generalException
faultString: makeTypeElement() was told to create a type “{}>PSKeyword”, with no containing element

And finally the inevitable question - do you know when 6.5.1 will be available?


Yes, that’s the known bug.

6.5.1 is due any day now. There are still a couple of bugs awaiting QA verification. Check back with Tech Support for an update.


We’ve upgraded to 6.5.1, but are still having some difficultiesa accessing the webservice. Looking at the content.wsdl file there seems to be no wsdl:service sections? Is this right?

Most of the examples I have looked at on the web include this section, and the code I am using at the moment to access contentSOAP?wsdl is complaining that there is no definitions/service node.

Any ideas?


***** Actually I see they are in the rhythmyx.wsdl file, so perhaps the SOAP client is not processing the imports correctly.

When adding a web reference we get a list of methods, but the following error prevents us from adding the web reference:

The document was understood, but it could not be processed.

Any idea what could be wrong - should we just download the wsdl files and use them statically a la the loader example?


I’ve not had a chance to look at this since 6.5.1 was released. However, we know that downloading the schemas / WSDL and adding them works, so I’d suggest you go that route for now.


I am having the exact same problem. Excuse my ignorance but how do you download the schemas / WSDL and add them?


Look at the /Rhythmyx/WebServices/6.0.0/design folder on the server (Note: this is a file location on the server, NOT a URL). It contains all of the files you will need.

Also, the “6.0.0” is the version of the API, not the version of the server implementation. Right now, there are no other API versions.


[QUOTE=dbenua;13917]Look at the /Rhythmyx/WebServices/6.0.0/design folder on the server (Note: this is a file location on the server, NOT a URL). It contains all of the files you will need.

Also, the “6.0.0” is the version of the API, not the version of the server implementation. Right now, there are no other API versions.



After we download all the files, how exactly are we to use them/add them?
