Accessing Landing Page's Slot from Navon


I was wondering if anyone has ever displayed a (landing) pages slot through a navigation template?

Every landing page of my site has an image (both full size and thumbnail) attached through the rffImage slot. While looping through the navigation, I want to display the thumbnail for each landing page.

Does anyone have any insight into this? Worst case scenario will lead me to adding the slot to the navon, and simply assembling the image into that one as well. I would prefer to avoid doing that though since the ground work is already laid out to get the landing pages slot (and it would be doubling the work involved)…

Nick D


anyone have any ideas?

I’m not sure what you’re asking here.

If all you want is to display a “snippet” that derives from the landing page on a nav template, all you have to do is render the rffNavLandingPage slot (with one of the #slot macros).

I suspect you are asking about something more complicated.


Actually… I think that may be my solution.

I just re-read my post again, and realize that I wasn’t really clear in what I was looking to do. The best way I can ask is to probably explain my situation - and what I’m trying to retrieve from it.

I have a series of landing pages (with accompanying navons). All of the pages have an image assembled into the rffImage slot. The image also has a thumbnail image.

In displaying the navigation, I want to also display the landing pages thumbnail, which is the thumbnail in the image that is assembled into the landing page.

Would the rffNavLandingPage slot be the slot I use to retrieve/render a slot contained within a navons landing page?

Hopefully that helps clear things up.

Thanks Dave!

The rffNavLandingPage slot is on the Navon item, not the landing page.

When you render a Nav snippet, $sys.item is the “self” Navon, and if you use a #slot macro, you will see a snippet of the landing page for that Navon.

In your case, you have to do something slightly more complicated, because you have need to render the rffNavLandingPage slot for each Navon that you visit in your #forEach loop. This can be accomplished with the #node_slot macro.

I hope I’ve answered the question.


I think that will help! I’ve never used the node_slot macro, so I’m a little unsure of how to.

Would it be written out something like this:

#node_slot($navon “rffImage” “” “” “” “” “template=thumbnailtemplate”)


I’ll give it a try in just a little bit. Thanks Dave!

no luck on that. I think it’s because I can’t figure out what to enter as the node for the node_slot macro.

Obviously I would enter the node that has the landing page - but in terms of actual code - I’m not too sure.

Any help would be appreciated.

Nick D

I think you want something like:

#node_slot($navon "rffNavLandingPage" "" "" "" "" "template=thumbnailtemplate")

That did the trick! After a bit of double checking settings and such, it’s all worked out.

What I hade to do was call node_slot(…) in the nav snippet template, the template node_slot used basically just consisted of another call to the rffImage slot, which displayed the correct image.

ta da!

Thank you for the help Dave!
Nick D