Accessing Last Transition Date From a Template

This is a follow-up to:

As of patch 732_2019_0510 the last transition date can be accessed from a template by updating the rxconfig/Server/ContentEditors/ContentEditorSystemDef.xml to include a mapping for the sys_lastTransitionDate field.

Display Mapping Section:

	                    <PSXControlRef id="0" name="sys_CalendarSimple">
			                     <PSXParam name="helptext">
			                           <PSXTextLiteral id="0">
			                              <text>Year, month, day and time content was last transitioned.</text>

Field Mapping Section

         <OccurrenceSettings delimiter=";" dimension="optional" multiValuedType="delimited"/>
	             <PSXVisibilityRules dataHiding="xsl">
	                <PSXRule boolean="and">
	                   <PSXConditional id="0">
	                         <PSXTextLiteral id="0">
	                         <PSXTextLiteral id="0">
       <PSXSearchProperties enableTransformation="no" id="0" tokenizeSearchContent="no" userCustomizable="yes" userSearchable="no" visibleToGlobalQuery="yes"/>

After updating this, the sys_lastTranstionDate field will be available for use on your content type. The field may be accessed in Templates using normal syntax for accessing Content Type fields.

For example:
