Action menus for bulk update of content community or expiry/reminder dates available

Because many new clients create the bulk of their initial content in a short time period it’s often the case that all the content starts to expire at the same time, or their security model changes meaning content is in the wrong community.

I’ve created custom XML apps and associated action menus to allow multi-select bulk update of content item community or to bulk update expiry/reminder dates. No customisations are required to the system, and the menu items are configured to work on content in an editable state in the same community so that changes are subject to workflow.

If you’re interested feel free to contact me or reply to this post.

Cheers, Andrew


Looks nice. Tech Support provided JSP pages that do the same end-result, but the JSP pages are outside the Content Explorer. I’d be interested to see how you set up the XML applications to handle these operations.

Are the JSP pages they provided specific to you or part of the standard system? I’m packaging the code up and will probably post in the code/snippet repository and link from here. It’s handy that these apps/menus are completely standard I think…

The JSP pages are specific to us as they include static references to our community names / ids. I look forward to your release in the repository.

Package Builder code posted to

I would to have access to this bulk updater.
How does it work? How do you identify the content items you want updated? Does it update the workflow Ids as well since they can change from community to community?

[QUOTE=vwk2-su;20220]I would to have access to this bulk updater.
How does it work? How do you identify the content items you want updated? Does it update the workflow Ids as well since they can change from community to community?[/QUOTE]

The code’s linked to in the above thread. It was developed for 6.7 but I’ve used package builder to allow others to deploy.

It’s simply an XML app and Action Menu(s) to call the app - in other words there’s no custom functionality at all (or rather it is custom but uses standard workbench tools to achieve the results). The action menu is a simple content explorer selection > right-click, allowing multiple content item selection. Content items must be in an editable state to be selected.

It doesn’t update workflow ids - it doesn’t change the workflow a content item is in so if you swap an item to a community that doesn’t have access to that particular workflow you’d need to allow them access - the action menu can be restricted in the usual ways (ACL, visibility settings) to particular roles, communities, content types etc.

Since it’s a discrete deployable package you can always deploy and limit to a small group for testing. There may be tweaks you need to apply for your environment but it also provides the basis for updating whatever system fields you want in bulk with a little development.

It was developed because in a complex installation and/or large sites it’s often the case that content is entered in a short period of time leading to lots of content expiring at the same time, or where users add content in an admin community when they didn’t mean to.

Let me know if you need any other information.

Cheers, Andrew

I get the following message when I try to access the package attachement in the link you sent me. It says that it is invalid and to contact administrator.

I was able to save to my computer the target of the package link - don’t select to open it, rather save it. Seems to work fine for me…

I still cant seem to access the package. Is there any way you can send it to me?