Active Assembly link from content editor not working

When we link from a content editor to an active assembly page (one of the links next to “related content”) Rhythmyx does not apply the CSS to the AA page. This is because the sys_siteid parameter is missing from the url. Does anyone know if there is a way to fix those links?



Yes, this is a known issue. We have some plans to address it in the next round of UI changes, but for now you’ll have to go back to the CX and use the action menus (which you can customise to include the site id).


Thanks Dave. Any idea when that will be?



We like to quote Niels Bohr, who said: “Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future”

I’m pretty sure that it’s not soon.


You weren’t kidding! Two years later, this problem still remains. I think this remains a critical feature (bug!?) that should be addressed. Following the folder path to a site folder makes a lot of sense and will get this 90% there without much effort.

