Add a simple-to-access last edited field

I’ve been trying to figure out how to grab the username who last edited a content item. The problem is, we have a set of approvers, so the lastmodified field is set by the approver and not the actual person who made the edit.

While there might be a workaround to get this information, it would sure be easier if it were a built-in attribute of a content item.

If you add a poll to this thread (try the “Thread Tools”) I’d vote for it.

I think you are correct that it should be a built-in feature. Displaying a “Last modified by Joe Bloggs on DD/MM/YYYY” message on every page is a common requirement for web sites. If/when I ever get round to trying to implement this, I’d start by investigating whether a call to the sys_CopyParameter() extension could dump the username into a field in the content type as a Pre-Processing item transformation. (I haven’t tried this beacuse we also have an issue that we authenticate via Active Directory, and Rhythmyx cannot pull in the full name of users, hence if we tried this it would display a meaningless federal ID on each page.)

I just saw your reply. We got around this for now by adding a text field for the content maintainer’s username and made it required. We figure we’ll get about 75% accuracy on this. Not the best, but better than nothing. We also use Active Directory, but publish our site out as .aspx, so we wrote some code to grab the user’s full name from the cryptic username.