Add support for svg images

I can’t preview images that has SVG extension. if this is MIME related issue, please let me know how to fix it


Currently, SVG images are not a supported image asset format. They can be uploaded as File assets, but as you say, they won’t preview correctly – you’ll have to download them as percFileAssets and load them locally. Please feel free to create an Idea topic requesting support for SVG images if this is something that will be important to your implementation.

so even if I added MIME SVG extension in apache, it will still not work?


We don’t support modifications to the preview Tomcat’s MIME type mapping settings. That said, if these SVG images are uploaded as file assets, once they’re published out to your external web server, you can manage that server’s MIME type mappings as you normally would and should have no issue with your SVG files. The only drawback, again, is that you won’t be able to preview these images as you typically would within Percussion itself.

Currently CM1 doesn’t support SVG extension and the only way to preview svg images is after publishing. I am hoping that this feature can be available in the next release

Currently CM1 doesn’t support SVG extension and the only way to preview svg images is after publishing. I am hoping that this feature can be available in the next release