Adding a style to customize Ephox editor?

I’m working in Rhythmyx 6.5.2.

I’m attempting to customize the Ephox editor, to add a style that would appear on the style dropdown and be available to content editors. According to the ephox documentation, I need to add a style tag to the config file, and that style entry will automatically be added to the style menu.

I’ve put this inside the head tag of my ephox config file:

<style type="text/css">
<!-- {color: blue;}

(this is just an overly simple style to see if I can get this mechanism to work!)

but still nothing is added to the style menu in the editor. According to the ephox doc, it should put add .blue to the list of paragraph styles.

I made some other changes to the config file, and those have taken effect, so as far as I can tell, it is loading this config file.

Anyone have an idea where I am going wrong here?



You might try asking this on the Ephox forum:

This isn’t something particularly Rhythmyx specific, we just populate the sample document from the config file, and you’ve already verified that its reading the correct config file.


Thanks, Dave - I have browsed over there and gotten some bits and pieces of info.

In case anyone is interested in the answer to this question…

I removed the HTML comment delimiters around the style definition, and it loaded into the Styles menu correctly.
