Adding a variant to eWebEditPro fields does not create relationship

We’ve run into a critical problem on our upgrade.
We need to get it fixed before close of play on Monday night, otherwise we’ll need to roll back. :frowning:

The problem
When an inline variant is inserted, the relationship is not being created:
a) a relationship is not created in the psx_objectrelationships table
b) HTML code is inserted in the eWebEditPro body, but it does not include the relationship information.

Code actually created:
<a class=“titlelink” contenteditable=“false” href=“http://boe-ecm3:9992/Rhythmyx/assembler/render?sys_revision=10&sys_siteid=310&sys_authtype=0&sys_contentid=47338&sys_variantid=508&sys_command=update&sys_folderid=47306&sys_context=0” sys_contentid=" <a class=" unselectable=“on”>About Us< /a>

Code that should be created:
<a class=“titlelink” contenteditable=“false” href=“http://boe-ecm3:9992/Rhythmyx/assembler/render?sys_revision=10&sys_siteid=310&sys_authtype=0&sys_contentid=47338&sys_variantid=508&sys_command=edit&sys_folderid=47306&sys_context=0” inlinetype=“rxvariant” rxinlineslot=“105” rxselectedtext="" sys_dependentid=“47338” sys_dependentvariantid=“390” sys_folderid=“47306” sys_relationshipid=“1201430” sys_siteid=“310” unselectable=“on”>About Us</a>

The problem has previously been masked, because it appears as if variants are being inserted correctly. Content previews correctly, and the links work. It is only when switching to HTML code view that the problem becomes apparent.

What we have tried

  1. Patched to 14841, which includes the eWebEdit Pro fix
  2. We have reviewed sys_resources and rx_resources for changes
  3. It’s not an XSL vs Velocity issue; the same behaviour occurs for both new templates and legacy variants
  4. The same behaviour happens across all content types.
  5. It’s not the tidy config, because existing relationships are maintained, and correct code pasted in is not stripped out.

What we cannot do to fix it
We cannot get over the problem by switching to Ephox - which does insert the variants correctly - because:
i) we have 300+ users and there are significant differences in the interface
ii) Ephox is as yet untested in our system
iii) there is functionality in eWebEditPro which is heavily used (anchor tags within pages)
iv) we have heavily controlled desktops and will not be able to get Ephox installed in any reasonable timespan.

I’ve logged this with TechSupport, but am not so unreasonable as to expect anyone to be there at the weekend. But if there is anyone out there reading this, inspiration would be much appreciated.

The Ektron control was deprecated as of 11/06, version 5.7 of Rhythmyx. Use of this control going forward from that date and versions after 5.7 are not supported. This is documented in the upgrade documentation found:

Page 11:
Additional Upgrade Information for Customers Upgrading from Rhythmyx Version 5.5 and Rhythmyx Version 5.6

In Rhythmyx Version 5.7, a new rich text DHTML editor was introduced, Ephox EditLive! for Java. This control supersedes the Ektron eWebEditPro rich text DHTML editor.

Customer intervention is required to use the EditLive! control. You do not have to replace eWebEditPro with EditLive! You can continue to use eWebEditPro if you prefer. Note, that support for e-WebEditPro was terminated in November 2006 and use of this control is now deprecated.

NOTE: You cannot use both the EditLive! control and the eWebEditPro control in the same Content Type. The two controls are incompatible, and you must use one or the other consistently within any Content Type. You can, however, use the EditLive! control in one Content Type and the eWebEditPro control in a different Content Type.


Sorry - this post was superseded by helpful conversations with messrs Webster and Benua over the course of today.

(Yes, we are acutely aware of the issues surrounding eWebEditPro.)
