Adding Images to a template/page

If an image has already been uploaded to the Assets folder, it would be nice to select my widget at page level and browse my files, similar to uploading an image, as an alternative to dragging and dropping, I think it would be quicker and easier in a lot of ways. If this does currently exist, then I have over looked it! Thanks.

Are you referring to a browse option to browse the assets directly from within the widget, as opposed to browsing through finder and dragging the asset in? Or are you looking to just add the widget on the page and then add a new image not yet added into the system?

The latter currently exists through the content tab, as you can upload an image directly into an image widget, and it is created as an asset under the “Assets/uploads/images/” folder.

I am “referring to a browse option to browse the assets directly from within the widget, as opposed to browsing through finder and dragging the asset in”.