Additional Column on Publishing Logs

One more column on the publishing log would be very helpful.

A column that shows whether the publish was done using the the local or the FTP settings.

Current view (seen below) seems to have enough real estate to add an additional column.

This will help administrators avoid the “Why don’t I see my published changes on the FTP site when the publish ran 5 minutes ago?” The log will definitively show that the publish was run with the local settings.

Good idea! A feature we are already planning to add in v2.8 will likely address this.

Instead of a column that shows whether the publish was done using the local or FTP, in 2.8, we have provided the ability to define multiple servers. Each server can correlate to local or FTP publishing as well as to XML or database. With this new functionality, the log was enhanced to allow you to filter by server, effectively allowing you to definitively show that the publish was run.