Additional Managed navigation

Help understanding the meaning of this error.

We are currently using rhythmyx 6.x and i have the task to convert our left navigation panel to using velocity.

Since our system has now a mixture of (xslt) template and (velocity) template, the following was done:

1- created a new template nav_left_2 in addition to the exsiting (xsl) template nav_left_1
2- created a new slot “nav_left_2” slot in addition to the existing one

The code works fine when i preview a page, but when i publish the page, i receive an error.

It looks like when the velocity page publishes, the old nav_left_1 is still called.

Is there any additional step that is required.

Below is an example of the error that i received after publishing a velocity page:

An exception occurred while processing the navtree XML document through the file:rxs_Navon_cas/nav_left_1.xsl style sheet: An exception occurred while processing the navtree XML document through the file:rxs_Navon_cas/nav_left_1.xsl style sheet: Error transforming the xml document with stylesheet Error reported by XML parser; SystemID: domainname/Rhythmyx/assembler/render?sys_originalsiteid=xxx&sys_revision=xx&sys_contentid=xxx&sys_folderid=&sys_context=xxx&sys_siteid=xx&relateditemid=xxxx&sys_authtype=1&sys_variantid=xxx&sys_assemblylevel=1&pssessionid=xxx; Line#: 7; Column#: 5 [Error data in range:

Any hints!!! thanks in advance

Never mind. I figured out the issue.

Based on the setting of our system, we don’t need a new navigation slot, only the velocity navigation template.