Adjust Default Thumb size in bulk upload gadget

Is there a way to adjust the default thumb size when doing a bulk upload of images?

Hi Aaron, no there is not currently a way to reconfigure this from the default 50x50 pixels. This change has to be made manually after uploading the images. If you would like, I can convert this post into an Idea topic type so that this becomes a feature request on our product management team’s radar – let me know.

Yes, please convert this to an Idea topic.

The gallery creation with the auto image list widget would work better if I could define the height to be the same so the list of thumbs flow better on the page without having to go back in and change all of them to be the same (even if the thumb height was always 50). The ability to make the thumbs larger than 50 would be a great addition to the feature as well as save time for us!

Done. And thanks for the added context – I do see how this could be a time-saver.