Allowing Multiple Content Types in Auto Slot

We are setting up an Auto index that pulls in data from 2 different content types, with the following slot query:

select rx:displaytitle, rx:event_start, jcr:path from rx:InsiderEvent, rx:InsiderEventMemo where rx:event_start >= :start_date and rx:event_start <= :end_date order by rx:event_start asc

where InsiderEvent and InsiderEventMemo are the two distinct content types. When i run this query in the query debugger, i get back the expected results, but when setting up the slot, i don’t know how to allow both templates within the Slot Content Finder entry form. The attached screen show shows the slot set-up.


So what happens when you try to run it?

I think you can leave that template field blank… If i recall correctly, it’s a hold-over from an older version of Rhythmyx.

If you can’t, you’ll need to use a dispatch template. Look up how to build one of those in the implementation guide. (never done it myself, or I’d tell you how)

I tried to leave the template field blank, but i received an error saying that the template field was required. I ended up creating a new snippet that is shared between the two content types, and then just used logic in the snippet template to display the correct fields.