anyone using gravity forms? does gravity forms work on percussion?

We’re moving over from WordPress and wanted to know if our Gravity forms,

will still work within Percussion?

GravityForms only works on WordPress. You will not be able to use this with Percussion.

GravityForm is the best on WordPress.

I agreed. I would love to have “GravityForm” on Percussion b/c it’s more powerful than Percussion’s own Form.

Unfortunately it would be more of a request for GravityForms to port their software over rather than Percussion doing the leg work. Maybe Percussion can look into GravityForms and recreate it.

Re: re-create it - yeah, that’s what I mean :smiley: Wufoo is another good example, too.


GravityForms appears to be built specifically for WordPress. I agree with Aaron that Wufoo is an excellent solution and can easily be integrated through an HTML widget.