We are currrently looking at moving from Coldfusion to ASP.NET for our external applications/forms.

Currently we have a Dynamic Page content type which publishes with a .CFM extension. Within the body of the page we then ‘<cfinclude>’ the main page of the external application.

Is there any way we can do similar with .NET? Or alternatively does 6.5 offer any new ways of incoporating .NET applications?


I was hoping that one of our .NET users out there would respond.

I know that you can publish .aspx files with tags in them that will “include” another page, but I don’t know the specifics.

Rhythmyx (especially in 6.5) doesn’t care particularly about the structure of these tags. There is no requirement that they be “well-formed” as there was in some previous releases.


Thanks for the reply Dave.

Hopefully someone out there who is using .NET can go into more specific detail…

Anyone else out there help?
Anybody mix flat HTML pages and dynamic .NET pages on their site?


The approach you currently use for ColdFusion can be replicated for .NET - publishing .aspx pages and including a ‘tag’ that will collect data and represent this within the page. I am not sure what the equivalent of <cfinclude…> is in .NET, but I am sure there is something analogous.
Most people use this approach when a portion of the page is data driven, rather than content driven, but the page and structure should remain under the management of Rhythmyx.

An alternative is to publish content to a database and have a complete .NET application run over the top of this or deliver content fragments in some other format (HTML, XML) that can then be included in the delivered .aspx pages.
These two approaches are more appropriate where the significant proportion of the site is data driven with content interspersed.


(sorry, wrong thread)