Assets by Status Gadget

An issue that seems to come up frequently is that a CM1 user will make some changes to their site’s pages and then run a full publish, but then not see all of their changes reflected on their published pages. More often than not, this is because, in the course of editing their pages, they were editing shared assets as well as local content, and they unknowingly left these shared assets in the Draft state.

I think it would be useful to have an Assets by Status gadget (similar to the Pages by Status gadget) which would allow users to have an easy overview of any shared assets left in the Draft state. This would be a very handy reference tool to know why some changes aren’t going through after full publishes. Also, assets displayed through this gadget could link directly to their Site Impact view, collecting the two reference views into one easy tool.

I second this idea and think it goes along with the bulk approval. It would be nice to have the option to not only see their status, but update it from this gadget as well.

I am interested in what customers think of ideas of this type.

Would love to see an Assets by Status Dashboard Gadget, just like there are “Pages by Status” now!

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
New Dashboard Gadget: Assets by Status.

I agree, this would help me considerably.

Any update on this gadget? Or any workaround?

Hey Chris, there’s no new update on this that I’m aware of, beyond the fact that this is officially under consideration by Product Management.

One method that some users find helpful – especially when they have a larger amount of assets grouped into specific folders – is to switch over to the List View mode when accessing a well-populated Assets folder, and sorting the assets using the Status column.

would be nice to be able to bulk publish assets as well through this suggested feature. for instance I just updated a shared asset on one page and now I have to go through each page that contains that asset and individually publish since I’m not wanting to do a full site publish at this time.

Based on internal discussion, I think it’s assumed that an Assets by Status Gadget type of gadget would at least allow for a bulk approval mechanism, similar to what the Pages by Status gadget now allows for. Do you envision this bulk publish feature would only apply to file assets (and maybe image assets)?

I don’t see why it couldn’t be used for any of the widgets? the one I was talking about was a shared asset rich text widget that housed a sidebar menu. I had to manually publish each page the RT widget lived on after I updated it. Would have been nicer if, after updating it, I could batch approve AND batch publish the pages it lived on. basically allowing one to mass approve/publish via the site impact screen for the shared asset. Obviously I understand any additional changes to those pages would also get published but that would be fine for us.

I was thinking along those lines because the system already allows for individual publishes of File and Image assets. The functionality to publish all pages that use a text-based asset (Rich Text / HTML / etc.) would require a more extensive enhancement to the publishing system. That said, I know we’ve been internally discussing such an enhancement, of being able to publish all pages that use a certain shared asset, or incremental publishes that only push out content that has had content (or associated content) updated since the last operation. If you have any thoughts regarding what you’d find useful and intuitive as far as that goes, please feel free to start up a new Idea topic regarding our underlying publishing system.

I still would like to see an Assets by Status Dashboard Gadget and the ability to approve just like the Page by Status

Just want to add that an Assets by Status would be quite helpful for us also…

We have a pretty large site and some departments have upwards of 50 assets, so an Assets by Status gadget would be immensely helpful to our efficiency, especially for bulk approving assets.

An assets by status gadget with the ability to bulk approve and bulk published would be very beneficial to us as well.

This would also be very helpful to us as well.

This is now planned for Release 4.2, which is scheduled for June 2014. 

That’s awesome, Dan! Thanks!


This feature was delivered as part of 4.2. 

Wooohooo!! (Again). Can’t wait to try it out.

Thanks Percussion Team!