Assigning additional workflows to existing 5.7 CT in 6.1 workbench

We are in the middle of developing new CT’s in 6.1 which will work alongside existing CT’s created in 5.7. My problem is that not all of the existing workflows (including the default workflow) have been assigned to a Content Type in the move across to 6.1. How can I add the correct workflows to the CT in the workbench?

I have opened the CT in the Content Design window and checked the properties tab but cannot drag the other workflows into the content type which means that this CT cannot be used properly as there is no default workflow and most of the community workflows created prior to the upgrade are not shown in the properties tab either.

Can anyone shed some light on what I may be doing wrong? Also the Help files in the workbench are not working so I can’t look there.

Just realised that this problem has affected ALL the old 5.7 Content Types which makes them unuseable in the upgraded system as cannot assign the correct default workflow.


It sounds like something is wrong here, but the Rx Workbench does provide a workaround. Try using drag-and-drop to add the Workflows to the Content Types. Workflows are listed on the System Design tab of the Workbench. You can move these tabs around within the Workbench. Try dragging the Content Design tab just to the right of its default location, then displaying the System Design tab. Drag the Workflows you want from the Workflows node in the System Design tab to the Allowed Workflows node in the Content Design tab.

The Rhythmyx Implementation Guide demonstrates how to perform this operation for Communities, but it works the same way for Workflows. See the topic “Associating a Workflow with a Community” on p. 147 of the 6.0/6.1 version of the document. (In the 6.5 version, the topic is on p. 33.)



Are other users in your environment seeing the problem with the Help in the Workbench? Does it just fail to display the Help, or does it return an error when you try to access Help?


Thank you for the workflow workaround - it does the trick beautifully! :slight_smile:
Now the Help files - no-one can see the lower pages but we can click on Dynamic Help’ which opens with the default page but clicking on the links or running a search just returns blank pages. All the javadocs files are in the main Rhythmyx folder on the server but don’t seem to render correctly. Shame really as they can be very useful, especially as I haven’t done any version 6 training yet.


Glad the Workflow issue is resolved for you.

I haven’t heard of a similar problem with the Help before. It almost sounds as if the content files for the help were not installed. On the machine where you installed the Workbench, check the directory Rhythmyxroot\eclipse\plugins\com.percussion.doc.workbench. It should contain several dozen HTML files. Those are the content files for the Help plugin. If they are missing, I would expect the behavior you are seeing.


I have just checked the Rhythmyx\eclipse\plugins\com.percussion.doc.workbench folder and it is full of HTML files as are the eclipse\plugins\com.percussion.doc.workbench\JavaDocs\com\percussion sub-folders. Very strange


Do you get a different result when you click on Help Contents as opposed to Dynamic Help?

What happens when you press F1 while in an editor?



I’ve found a report of behavior similar to yours related to the browser being used to display the Help. What OS is being used on the machines where you are seeing the behavior? Have you changed the default browser for the OS?



Sorry for the delay in replying, but I have been on leave.

There is no problem accessing the Content Explorer Help through the browser, it is only the Workbench Help Contents and Dynamic Help that I cannot access. All the files are in the correct folders in the Rx tree but they are not being picked up in the Workbench itself.

To be specific, I get an error message when clicking on ‘Help Contents’ and although i get the main window opening when I click on Dynamic Help, clicking on any subsequent links results in a blank page being displayed. I have attached a Word doc showing screenshots of the outcomes described above. The issue is currently with Tech Support (UK) who have the same file and info that I have posted here.


Welcome back. Hope leave was pleasant.

The reason I am asking about the browser is that the Help viewer for the Rhythmyx Workbench uses the default browser for the OS to render the Help HTML files. The reports I have found of behavior similar to what you are reporting occurred when the default browser for the system was changed to an obsolete version. Did that occur in your case?

Also, what happens when you press the F1 key while in the Rhythmyx Workbench? Do you see the same behavior as when you use the menu?

I realize that you have logged an issue with Tech support, but working through this issue on the support forums may help other customers that encounter similar behavior.