Attaching child data from XML file

I have an XML file which contains data in a very simple structure like this:

<data id=“1” count=“123123”>
<data id=“2” count=“123123”>
<data id=“3” count=“123123”>

This XML file is sourced from an external system using an ftp batch file and placed somewhere under rx_resources. The id attribute in each data node can be matched to a field entry in each of my content items meaning I should be able to extract the count attribute for each content item.

I seem to have exhausted any ideas on an approach to essentially get from the point of having a RX content item and a separate XML file, to having my RX content item have child data, or a binding, to the value stored in the count attribute, or even just having the entire XML file attached as child data and then extracting the count value.

Rhythmyx 6.5.2 btw… help appreciated as always.:confused:

Here’s a quick example of how to do this with XSLT. You could also write a String expression or a custom JEXL function.


Hi Dave, and thanks!! Although ti seems I can’t have the PSO toolkit correctly installed because I think I’m missing the psoTransform extension. I got a psotoolkit jar file from UK PSO but it was just that - a jar file and nothing else (I thought I would have had to do an installExtensions or similar) so I dropped it into the appropriate folder. I assume that isn’t enough.

Can you make the PSO toolkit for 6.5.2 available here with instructions on installing it correctly?

Thanks again

The Binding problem I get is as follows:

Problems during binding evaluation
$processfootfall=Could not find method transform for object [null] and arguments [ ,file:/Rhythmyx/rx_resources/footfalldata/footselect.xsl,{selectid=2}]

I hope this is just because I haven’t got the toolkit installed correctly, or is there a problem picking up the variable into which I did the getDocument?