Auto Index Question

I have used the standard rffAutoIndex content type to refer to a slot, which then refers to a template (this is the standard way this content type was implemented for EI and CI). I need this auto index to alphabetically list the contents for one of my content types. I have the entire process working correctly but I modified the template the slot uses to display by making it a page template instead of a snippet and was wondering if there is anything wrong with doing it this way? Any publishing problems with this? Is there a better way to do this?

Template specs:
Output: Text Page
Global Template: Default
*Active Assembly format: Auto-index
Publish: Default

*I had to change the active assembly format because of an error when I tried to preview the content item, changing it to auto-index made the error go away.


I see nothing wrong with creating a page template that is also an auto-index.

It’s not necessary to have a separate slot: as we discussed in the previous thread, you will just need to set up the query so that it returns the appropriate content in the correct order.


I am getting confused when I need to display the data in a different format. This scenario works for displaying the data by alphabetical order, but now I need to display the data in alphabetical order grouped by state. This would require a new template so I thought about modifying the auto index content type to include a variable for the template that should be used to display the content in but how would I tell Rhythmyx to publish this content type in the correct template… I am guessing this is where a batch template would be used? Could I simply pass in the sys.template variable directly to both templates instead of referring to a batch template?

When I wanted different auto-index formatting in two templates, I used the same snippet template but used different parameters:
#slot(“sAutoNewsiTunes” ‘<ul id=“messageList”>’ ‘<li>’ ‘</li>’ ‘</ul>’ ‘template=SnAnchor&max_results=3’)##
#slot(“sAutoNewsiTunes” ‘<ul id=“messageList”>’ ‘<li>’ ‘</li>’ ‘</ul>’ ‘template=SnAnchor&max_results=4’)##