Auto Index within a Template

Is there a way to display an auto index content type within a template without the use of a slot? Meaning, I have my template with code in it which pulls the content id of the auto indexer and displays like a slot but not necessarily with a “normal” slot implementation.

My main reason for this is so that every time I add a new page, I don’t have to add the auto index to a slot in the page.

I know that this can be done using the navtree as well, but I don’t want to risk breaking our nav by adding the auto index to the navtree.


short answer, yes.

There are a couple of different ways to do that. It sounds like you want to hard-code the content id of your auto-index into the template you’re executing… easiest way to do this is probably to create an auto-slot that selects your auto-indexer, do not add the auto-slot to the template’s list of slots, but call the slot from within the template.

Figured this one out after some trial and error with the autoslot feature.
