Automated Slideshows

This is not really related to Percussion at all but I was wondering if anyone could share what they’ve been using to accomplish this.

The University I work for purchased SlideshowPro before I came here in 2012.  We use it to allow our sitemasters to build a photo gallery slider that they can put on their pages.

SlideshowPro is no longer in business and the code has not been updated in forever and to have multiple instances of it installed for each sitemaster causes high resource usage.

What does everyone use to for a Gallery Slideshow? is what I used since it’s extremely lightweight and responsive.

However, the closest to Slideshow Pro is

We use bxSlider for our sliders but a lot of our users want to create image galleries and for myself and one other person to have to always build them and update them would take us forever with everything else we have to do. 

I will give cincopa a look and see if it will do what we want.

Thanks @Aaron

For those of you using sliders, are they Section 508 compliant?  We’ve had issues with many sliders not allowing keyboard control, focus, alt tags, and slide pausing.

Well, the closet one I can do is using image autolist widget and masonry plugin. Here’s the demo page I created:

It typically depends on the slider and how they are configured (keyboard support, auto play times etc).  Flex Slider is one  that has prioritized screen reader support. 

An example of it can be found here.

Slick slider also seems to have good keyboard support.


We also use bxslider with the image autolist widget. When users want to add/remove images, they simply upload or delete images from the target folder. We have a separate template for pages with sliders so that users don’t have to do the set up (other than picking what folder to pull the images from).