Automated Slot / Transition Question

I have a Content Type that has a Template that is using an Automated Slot. I want to do the follwoing:

When the main Content Item moves to a particular Workflow state force the items contained in the Automated Slot to be transitioned to the same state.



The list of Content Items in an Automated Slot is generated on the fly when the Content Item containing the Automated Slot is assembled. No permanent relationship exists between the Content Items in an Automated Slot and the parent Content Item. That’s the point of an Automated Slot: that the list of Content Items included in the Slot is variable depending on the criteria defined for the Slot.

The Active Assembly - Mandatory Relationship provides some of the functionality you want (the ability to force Transition of the Dependent Content Item in the Relationship to Public when the Owner goes Public). But that is a permanent Relationship between the two Content Items.

Can you describe behavior you are trying to achieve?


I initially was going to use a normal Slot for this; however, I didn’t want all the content items to be available for selection. I have a Parent item and a Child item that is pulled in the Automated Slot. I wanted this to be a 1 to 1 relationship; every Child item is related to only 1 Parent item that hasn’t already been selected.

My solution was to create a lookup resource that was used in a drop down control to select just the content items I wanted to be available - I only wanted the user to see Parent items that hadn’t already been related to another Child item. This meant that the user didn’t have to search through a ton of items, and they would be forced to select a Parent item that hadn’t already been selected, ensuring a 1 to 1 relationship. The selected content item is then pulled in using the Automated Slot - I’m passing the content id of the item through the binding query.

The one issue I’d like to figure out is how to keep the Parent Item from publishing when the Child item isn’t in a Publish state. The problem is hit when the Child item is moved to the Quick Edit state, when this happens the data is no longer pulled by the Automated Slot. So, is there a way that the Child item can be edited without putting the Parent Item into Quick Edit also?

If this is the only way the Automated Slot can work then I would like to be able to somehow force the Parent Item to some Ignore state so that it doesn’t publish out without the Child data. I would prefer to somehow do the transition on the Parent item, but I would also settle for the transition on the Child item to be blocked unless the Parent was in a specific state.
