AutoSlot problem with "copy as link" items


I have a problem with using an AutoSlot to select items that are “copy as link” items.
It looks like the slot produces links to the items in the “original” folder and not to the folder where the “copy as link” items are.

Here is my set up:
In /folder1, I create several items of Content Type A and a Page having an Autolist to list CT A items in that folder.
That part works!

In /folder2, I “copy as link” the Content Type A items. I also have a Page having an Autolist to list CT A items in that folder.
That doesn’t work! The generated links point to /folder1 (instead of folder2)

I think I need to re-assemble every snippet in the slot so that it uses the folderid of the page using the autoslot.

If that is correct, I would then need to do someting like this: (not quite spot on) (not working … :frowning: yet … :slight_smile:

#initslot("fonAutoFondCopySlot" $parms) 
#if($sys.currentslot.relresults.size() > 0) 
 #foreach($child in $sys.currentslot.relresults) 
   ## Here I want to make a clone of item found in slot
   #set($cl 	= $child.clone())
   ## Here I want to indicate that the clone should use a new folderid
   #set($x    	= $cl.setFolderId($f))
   ## Here I want to rebuilt clone so it uses new folderid
   #set($results = $rx.asmhelper.assemble($cl,$sys.currentslot.slot,""))
   ## Here I want to show the clone item which should now use the new folderid

Would love some help! Thanks,

Yup, we encountered this “feature” (aka “bug”) over in 2010 (TAR: 2206). The way we reported it to tech support was: “Assembly with slot using sys_AutoSlotContentFinder does not honor folderid as rendered by the JSR-170 query”. My gripe with this problem was that we are specifying what folder to index the items in so it should (clearly) use that folder id when displaying the content items…

Supposedly it has a bug fix id: RX-1987…