Bazaar Nav widget activity

Inside a nav widget I am seeing additional sections that are on other areas of the site. If you can help that would be great.

Do you have a link to the page having this issue that we can look at?

Hi Matt,

I don’t have my live server setup yet. I was working with Jonathan. Not sure if he can get you into my instance.

I tried to make a section link to the home page. Jon said sometimes that screws something up in the database? I tried to attach an image file.

Okay so looking at your image, are the items showing part of level 4 for some of your navigation items that have childen links?

Yes, Library, is level 4 and should not show. Also Top news ect… is level 3 of a sibling element to this parent.

The children under communications are showing as well, and shouldn’t be. I only want children of Prospective Student to show.

Also on another note, just wondering if it is possible to get one item in your nav list to not show up? I have the communications section for organization. And I want to use sub menus under there on other templates, but I don’t want communications to show up in my top bar. Is that possible?

  1. Your settings look correct in Percussion. I have almost the exact same settings as your except I’m showing at lever 2 and show up to 10 levels.

  2. The navigation portion of CM1 doesn’t allow that detailed of customization. I’m not sure if more options are in store for the future of CM1 in regards to the navigation. One of the actual employees of Percussion would have to answer that.

  3. I’ve seen child menu items show up before in the top navigation but it was due to CSS styling of the SuperFish navigation that was in my templates css file. So some bad coding on my part.

What it boils down to is whatever you put in the Navigation section of CM1 will show in the navigation widget and there is no way to customize it inside CM1. The only thing I can think of is possibly using some CSS to hide the items you don’t want. You would have to have multiple templates to fit your customization.

Hi Sandy,

In your configuration, you have the primary level set to 3 and the maximum levels to be shown set at 2. With this configuration, navigation pieces from both level 3 and 4 will be shown.

Like Matt alluded to, with Horizontal rollover layout selected, these level 4 sections should only appear when you hover over their parent sections, but it appears that the Superfish JavaScript is not being picked up in order make this render properly, so it’s just showing as static links that appear to be on the same level as your level 3 links.

If all you want is for this nav bar to only show your level 3 sections, change the maximum levels to be shown to 1. Otherwise, we’ll have to look into why the JavaScript for the Superfish plugin is not hiding these level 4 section links properly.

Ok thanks for the response. I do want to have the level 4 show-up on rollover. I am just in the midst of learning how to code the Superfish css. I am trying to experiment with having different styles of rollover menus for different regions on my template. (bear with me I’m new to more advanced CSS. Maybe my syntax is wrong?)

Most of my styles are blank at the moment, as I haven’t coded them yet. Maybe this is the issue? Here is what I have in my main theme css at the moment;

.sf-menu li:hover ul
top: 72;/*definds where drop down starts vertically?*/

.sf-menu li:hover ul /*for vertical menu, left offset, where dropdown starts - Main Areas of interest*/
left: 322

#audienceMenu sf-menu li a:hover, #audienceMenu sf-menu li a:visited, #audienceMenu sf-menu li a:active

#mainNav sf-menu li a:active, #mainNav sf-menu li a:visited

#mainNav sf-menu li a:hover
background-color:#900; /*seeing if I can get to respond*/

.sf-menu li a /*default state*/


.sf-menu li li a /*second Level*/


.sf-menu li a /*default state*/


Hi Sandy,

Even with those rules, the Superfish JavaScript should be adding inline styling that will hide those child navigation links. Can you confirm that these sub sections links disappear when you set the max levels to be show down to 1?

If they do, you may want to look and see if you have any JavaScript conflicts that are preventing Superfish from adding the rules that hide these sub level links (the Console tab in a browser dev tool such as Firebug for Firefox or Inspect Element in Chrome will output the JS errors, if there are any). Also, if you have any CSS rules that are declared as !important that would reset the display and visibility properties for the nav menu’s UL, then that would also lead to this type of behavior.

Hi Nathaniel, Thanks for responding

I set the levels to display down to 1 and those links are still showing on the template and in the preview page.

I searched my css and I have no !important rules.

I’m trying to figure out how to use the js inspector now =)

I have another menu question. For my areas of interest menu , I want the rollover to show a large menu that will then stay up, and you can click from a large list of courses that apply to that area of interest. (see image)

I tried using a Vertical rollover menu layout in the nav widget settings. Then I was hoping to style it with these classes;

.sf-menu li a:hover

I was trying to implement the doc on this page;

So far the initial function is not working the way I was expecting. It indents it, instead of popping the secondary list to the left or right.

Also I saw this in another post;

ul.perc-navbar-vertical li:first-child a{}

My styles are not responding at all, but I was using the super fish classes, not this one perc-navbar-vertical . Should I be?


Another question around menus. (Sorry I know I have a million!)

I also was wondering if at certain queries I can make my rollover menus not show up? I was assuming that when I get my menus working and displaying my class css code ect… that I then can go to a query, and set say

#myMenu.sf-menu li:hover

I haven’t done this yet, because I can’t get the top level responding correctly yet. But when I do, then will I be able to do this? I want drop downs to show on the screen view, but not on mobile view.


Hey Sandy,

Before I address your other questions, I want to first make sure we fix up your nav widget’s output. With the max levels to be show set to 1, those four sub section links should not be displaying. This eliminates the problem as being a CSS or JS issue, and it appears that something’s going wrong in CM1 itself.

Can you quickly take a screenshot of the level 4 contents below Programs & Course, Student Services, and Student Life, so I can see how this is all structured? Thanks!

hi ,

I figured out the issue with the wrong childern showing in my menu, it was because I’m trying to style a template for the index page. It takes anything that is on level 4 say of any child. So Jon showed me how to use css classes to show certain things in certain regions. Is working well now.

Ok so now back to my brown menu example above. I’m having troubble styling this thing and getting it to behave the way I want. I have it poping the menu out to the side now, using margins, but I’m having a few problems;

  1. my z-index doesn’t seem to be working. I tired adding one to the ul of 200000, but it still displays the menu under my other content.

  2. It creates a big space that I dont want under the list item when rolled over. I also want the current item to show lighter brown when its the active menu item. I tried using the perc-navbar-vertical .current li, but it doesn’t seem to be displaying correctly, so I’m not applying it right or something?

  3. Now that I have the menu poping out to the side, you can’t rollover the submenu items. When you move over off the parent the submenu hides.

It feels like this menu is trying to respond like a verticle menu rather then a verticle rollover menu?

Please help =)


Great! I’m going to mark this Problem as solved, and then fork your follow-up question below into it’s own thread, to keep things tidy.

This is a great conversation that’s separate from the main topic, so I created a new topic to continue the discussion. Please reference the new topic here:
