Best practice to bring in xml for flash?

I need to bring in an editable (vie content explorer) xml file, and then have the link to that file available to a snippet containing a flash app.

Any idea what the best way to accomplish this is? I know I could have the xml with my resources and not edited via content explorer, but if there is a way to incorporate this for easy editing, I’d appreciate knowing how.

Post an attachment with a sample of the xml file.

It sounds like you want the nodes of the xml to be represented as fields in a content editor. The depth of the nodes would be the defining factor.

We have an xml file that does something very similar to your requirement, but we do this by way of a template with slots corresponding to the nodes of the xml.

I want something that comes out as an xml file that the flash can read via an absolute link to the file - then I can enter the xml file link via flash vars.

setup.xml.txt (545 Bytes)