Best practices for authoring Flash

This is a question for anyone who has content contributors who create a fair amount of a Flash content. It seems easy enough to allow users to upload these in as a File field in any given content type. However, it is possible, and in some cases desirable, to store certain web assets used by the Flash movie separately and then load them at run-time (images, audio files, FLV files, etc). While these can also be checked into the CMS, a problem arises in that Active Assembly cannot process and transform these URLs in the publishing context as they are compiled into the SWF.

If anyone could share their experience/advice, it would be much appreciated.


We have had (and continue to have) quite a battle getting flash files to work in Percussion. We have do have a fair amount of flash content that we want to put on various pages. We desperately need a way for our content creators to publish this content without involving IT so we really want flash files to be in Percussion. We could create a process that allows us to ‘publish’ this content outside of Percussion but that defeats the entire purpose of purchasing Percussion.

The flash content comes in both SWF files and in FLV files. We’ve managed to get SWF files working in both preview and publish but we are still struggling with FLV files.

I believe the issue with FLV files is the way the Assembler is presenting the data to the FLVPlayer. We’re using a SWF FLV player (FLVPlayer_Progressive.swf) and I don’t think it likes the way Percussion presents the FLV file. The flv files publish just fine but won’t preview.

Has anyone had any success getting FLV files to preview inside of Percussion?

We currently use jwflash player and the key to making preview work for us was:

#set($modfilelink = $tools.esc.url($filelink.replace("&_amp;","&")))
#... then in the object tag
<param name="flashvars" value="file=${modfilelink}" />

where $filelink is the link (Rythmyx generated) to the flv, m4v…etc (note: i put an underscore (_) after the “&” and before the “amp;” which has to be removed…)

Thanks for the responses. For my part, we are in the initial stages of requirements gathering and such on my project, but I am preparing as much as I can for situations or questions that might arise once we are in the technical implementation phase. I would have expected that links to FLV files in the embed tag would have at least behaved correctly since it’s in the markup, but it sounds like even this is problematic.

Is there code missing here ? Says … “then in tie object tag” but nothing after that. Can you attach?


[QUOTE=jitendra;17144]We currently use jwflash player and the key to making preview work for us was:

#set($modfilelink = $tools.esc.url($filelink.replace("&_amp;","&")))
#... then in the object tag
<param name="flashvars" value="file=${modfilelink}" />

where $filelink is the link (Rythmyx generated) to the flv, m4v…etc (note: i put an underscore (_) after the “&” and before the “amp;” which has to be removed…)[/QUOTE]

If you view the source you’ll see what wasn’t escaped…basically within the object tag you would have:

< param name=“flashvars” value=“file=${modfilelink}”>