Best way to touch Active Assembly descendants?

I have some ActiveAssembly slot relationships where I want the descendant items of the relationship to get picked up by incremental publishing when there is a change to to the parent item. Is there a way to make that happen without writing extensions? Doesn’t matter if it happens when the parent item gets workflowed, checked in, or published by incremental publishing.

I tried registering a PSOReverseSlotContentFinder with the template of the child item, but that didn’t seem to have an effect.


I’m curious why you want to republish the descendents when the parent is changed. Generally, only the opposite direction requires a republish (i.e. when children change, the parent must be republished.)

The children in this case generate index pages, with links to the parent items. The relationship is many-to-many. Each item shows up on about 7 different index pages, so if I had done the relationship in the other direction, it would have been awkward for the user.


In the past, we’ve built custom workflow actions for this. In 6.5, there is now a service call to “Touch” a list of items in the IPSPublisherService. This makes writing such a custom action much simpler.

I would encourage you to use a special “Relationship type” for these relationships (rather than just “Active Assembly”) and then build your workflow action to follow only the relationships of that type. This will limit the amount of extra publishing that such a system will do.
