Binary Dispatch Templates


When I create a template that uses the “dispatchAssembler” and has the output set to “Binary page” the “Mime Type” and “Character set” dropdowns are enabled on the General tab. So, I’d like to ask:
[li]The character set makes to sense. Can it safely be ignored? Can I leave it set to the default value, “UTF-8”
[/li][li]You can only set one mime type, but I want to use it for an image content type (that be storing JPEGs, PNGs or GIFs) and a file content type (which could be anything: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .exe, etc, etc.) What is the significance of the mime type of the template? Can I leave it set to the default value, “application/octet-stream”


…sorry, I meant it makes no sense, to have a character set such as UTF-8 on a binary page template.

For future reference, neither of these fields seem to cause problems if left at their default values on a dispatch template that handles binary content of various MIME types.

You should be able to “override” the MIME Type in the template that you are “dispatching to” (the target template).

For binaries, the character set is ignored. This value is only used when converting String data to/from a byte stream. In binary processing, this should never happen.
