Blog Archive widget not generating anchor link for titles

We are in the process of implementing a blog post with a blog archive. Everything is working properly on the blog list, however; when we are on the blog archive results, the title of the blog is linked using an h3 tag rather than an anchor tag. This is causing issues with our site design causing us to add styling just for the blog archive results page that we have. 

Below is an example of a title article that is not using an anchor link. 


Does anyone know why this is occurring and how to fix it? The title is does link to the article, but we need this to be a proper anchor link.

There is no configuration in Percussion to change this, but we will check to see if there is a workaround.


Thanks Keith. We are looking forward to hearing back on a way to work around this issue. 

There is no configuration option available in Percussion to change this tag. We are moving this post to our Ideas section. This is used by our Product Management team to manage feature requests.
