Blog implementation ideas

We have a similar implementation of blog’s. Any idea’s on the approaches? Is there any system built in functionality for bolgs?



Which functionality must be defined in order to be considered a blog?

WordPress is a common blog platform; however, you could break the functionality down to see that Percussion provides the building blocks for establishing a similar platform.

WordPress has pages and posts. Pages are placed into a managed navigation. Posts are chronologically ordered with groupings by tags and/or categories. Pages and posts could have comments, rating, polls, attachments, etc…

Percussion CM System has content types. A “Page” content type could be built to be placed as the managed navigation landing page. A “Post” content type could be built to contain tags and categories through a multiple choice control type or a text field control type. Comments, ratings, and polls could be achieved through third party vendors that have a solid feature set and infrastructure. Images, videos, attachments could all be content types that can be associated to a Page or Post. The tag, category, by date, by date range post listings could be set up through another content type that relies on auto indexes to pull “Post” content items and arrange as desired.

WordPress handles a lot of work automatically such as creating tag, category, by date, and by date range listing pages.