Blog list issue

My blog list index page is displayed a blog posting in addition to all the ‘real’ posts. How do I remove it from the list? The issue was resolved by a Percussion team member (Ty Bailey) who is no longer with the company for our Press Reelase section for out 2012 releases. Now that it is 2013, the 2012 releases are going to a different folder so the new page needs whatever fix was implemented by Ty on the 2012 section (…).

Hi Jerome,
I think I understand the issue you’re experiencing. I am going to go ahead and create a support ticket on your behalf, a notification should be arriving in your inbox shortly.


Thanks Jon.

All taken care of. Thanks for the help Nathaniel.

No problem, Jerome.

For other customers with this type of issue with the Blog List widget, what was happening here was that Jerome had manually created a page which uses the Blog List widget through the finder. When a page with a Blog List is created in such a matter, the Blog List by default generates a query that pulls in ALL of pages from the current section level. To narrow the results of a Blog List widget to a specific template on that section – which is what had been implemented on Jerome’s 2012 PR section – the blog must be created through the Blog Gadget.

You can read more about working with the Blog Gadget on our help site:

I think I’m having a similar issue but the link for the Blog Gadget did not help me. As you can see, the blog’s landing page as well as the Tags and Categories results pages are showing up in the Post List widget but I haven’t been able to figure out how to exclude them, and yes, I believe the blog was set up using the Blog Gadget. Please help.

Hi Debbie,

As in Jerome’s case, I’ve only seen this type of behavior when a blog list is created outside of the Blog Gadget. As a test, could you create a new blog using the Blog Gadget to see if you can reproduce this behavior where the index page is showing up in your list? Also, can you confirm that the Tags and Categories pages that are appearing in your screenshot are all using a different template than your main blog post template (a page’s template can be easily determined by selecting it in the Finder and viewing the information in the column to the right).

Hi Nathaniel-

I need to rephrase something: these static pages are not showing up in the LIST page, but rather in the ARCHIVES page only, by the month that these pages were apparently created.

Yes, the Categories and Tags pages reference a separate template. An yes, this blog was created using the Blog Gadget.


Oh, okay. In that case, you should be able to simply edit the contents of the Archive widget that links you to this results page and deselect the templates for your Categories, Tags, and Blog list pages that you don’t want appearing in this list (or only select the blog post template, if your goal here is to only display blog posts in these results lists).


That did the trick! I originally had none of the templates selected on any of my blog widgets (wasn’t quite sure how that worked) yet all the posts were still showing up, so I thought nothing of it.

Thanks so much for your quick responses!

As always, I’m glad to help!

I’m having this issue now. It’s been a while since I’ve added a new blog but I just added 4 new ones to our site, It doesn’t seem to be affecting blogs created previously.

I read through all of the suggestions on this topic. I made the Blog Index template and the Blog Post template ahead of time and for sure, I created the Blog index page through the Blog Gadget (not manually). Yet the Index page (when published) displays pages from all over the site, (different templates).

I also, followed Nathaniel’s suggestion of creating an all new Blog, using the Blog Gadget, as a test. While the CM1 Preview page shows " This blog has no posts." the published page looks like this:

Notice it says 49 pages at the bottom and shows the Test POM index at the top.

I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.

Hi Conan,

If these blogs are being published to a testing area on your public server, could you please send me links to them? I’d like to look at the AJAX parameters in both a functional Blog List page and a non-functional one, to see if I can get a better idea as to why this is failing.

Also, can you tell me if any of the functional blogs were added to your site after we implemented the fix for your Blogs Widgets, or are they all from before the fix?

Unfortunately, they are being published to a section of our site behind SSO.

The functional blogs were created back before we implemented the Blog List widget fix.

Thanks Conan. I was able to track down our copy of your environment and I’m standing it up now. I’ll run some tests locally to see if I can replicate this behavior; I’ll let you know what I find.

Hi Conan, I’m seeing some issues on my end as well. I’m going to re-open our existing Blog List support ticket so that we can compare log files and more efficiently narrow this one down. Please check your email shortly.