Blog List Widget Paging Not Working (In Preview)

If I set a blog list widget to show 2 posts per page (example) and there are 4 posts total… I would expect to see some paging links after publishing (I know it doesn’t work in Preview).

However, it doesn’t work. I did full publish, nothing worked.

Hello Aaron,

Are you still having a problem with this issue? If so please let us know, we will create a trouble-ticket so we can get all the details on your configuration.


Yes still have problems. Please go ahead and create a ticket. I have the demo website (fully published) ready for you to check it out. Thanks!

Hello Aaron,

Great. I will contact you shortly through Zendesk.


I don’t think I received anything coming from Zendesk yet?

Hello Aaron,

I did reply to ticket# 15886 yesterday - did you receive this?

This issue is related to your site having problems with DTS. Once your DTS service is back up, the Blog List widget should work correctly.


Got it! Sorry and thanks!