blue arrow Images apearing when using content explorer to insert a rhythmyx image

has anyone else experienced this?



What version of Rx are you working with and what patch to you currently have installed?

im sorry i should of mentioned that,

its rx 6.7 just updated from 6.5.2 and its running patch 15994



Are you sure you were inserting an inline image and not an inline template?

its when we insert an inline image/template the button with cms and a picture below it. It only appears in in edit live and appears to be a win2k ie6 issue

It’s probably not an issue at all, rather it’s the new functionality of the inline template that we addred in patch RX-15863. Did you perform additional step 1 in the patch RX-15994 (Below)?

RX-15860 - In order to complete the fix for RX-15860, follow these additional steps:

  1. Ensure that rxEditLiveFormEncodeDecode.disabled is renamed to rxEditliveFormEncodeDecode.xml under {installation root}\rx_resources\ephox\plugins
  2. Open all editlive configuration files that are in use and add the attribute inlineSpanPriority=“true” to the htmlFilter element.
    (This will force span tags to have priority order within an all inline set of tags).
  3. Open the file located in {installation root}\rxconfig\Server and set the property allowTrueInlineTemplates=true
  4. Re-start server
  5. Clear browser cache and java plugin cache

Templates that should be inline, should not contain block elements and must have a tag as the root element.

True “inline” inline templates will be indicated by two arrow images (> inline stuff <) and can be removed by double
clicking to invoke the context menu with a delete option. Block inline template will look and behave as they always have.

Hi Nicholas, this issue is now being handled by Technical Support. We will follow up with you in the context of the ticket we have created for this issue.


this has been done.

But it still does not work and when we publish out it displays the blue arrow images still.

