Building a responsive site, should we use bootstrap or foundation?

We are a small group new to using Percussion CM1. We just installed version 4.0. Our first project is to build a responsive site that will include multiple templates and will include a few .NET components. We built a POC using Bootstrap. We know that Zurb Foundation is bundled with Percussion. We would like to know if it is possible build our site using Bootstrap within Percussion or do we need to convert it to Foundation? If Bootstrap will work within Percussion, is there a performance or compatibility expense that we will experience?

Please share your thoughts and experience.

Thanks in advance,

We wrote a blog post awhile ago on how to use twitter bootstrap with Percussion:…. This covers all you need to do. Give it a read and let us know if you have any questions.

I’ve used both with Percussion and have had no issues. Feel free to ask questions.

Thanks Matt and Dan for your responses. I truly appreciate your input.

I tested both out in Percussion before fully building out our corporate site. I do like how lightweight Bootstrap is, but the sheer size and flexability of Foundation was what really sealed the deal for me. From items like Orbit Slider and Top-Bar for responsive nav it really is the whole package. With recent updates such as Off-Canvas support, moving away from Zepto.js to jQuery, and medium grid capabilities it was a real stand out to me.

Hi Dan

I’m unable to locate that blog post, can you send me an updated link.


Foundation > Bootstrap due to SASS / SCSS

Bootstrap > Foundation due to better plugins LOL

I like both of them though but I’m leaning toward this:

due to super lightweight files plus using some of the bootstrap plugins. It’s a win win