Calendar Events will not display

I have a calendar and I have add events as pages on them. The events display on the calendar in the preview site but not on the published site. I have published the pages that holds the content for the events. Also, on the mini calendar the events will not show up as well. How can I fix this


I believe this has to do with your delivery services not being fully configured on your live server, which was the same issue preventing your Form gadget from displaying your forms. I am in contact with Chuck to get access to some of your configuration files so I can look into resolving this for you.


I just found out we have the same issue. We are doing the upgrade to the newest version on August 8 - should we wait or ask for assistance configuring our delivery service on our live server now?

Hi Debbie,

That’s your call. It may make sense to wait until post-upgrade, that way you can setup your live DTS Tomcat web server using the same version that you’ve upgraded to, to avoid any version mismatch issues.

I believe your existing live Tomcat was setup before version 2.10, so to upgrade your system admins will need to follow this doc:…

They’ll also likely want to take a look at this doc, which outlines how to ensure that CM1 is writing meta-data (which the calendar widget will pull from) out to your live DTS Tomcat (this is covered in Step 4):

I just made a calendar and am having the same trouble. I upgraded to 3.2 a few days ago. (like it) I ran both installs but do I need to do the above recommendation to get it to work? Thanks.

Hi Preston,

Can you tell me if the DTS Tomcat component was ever deployed on your live web server (not your Percussion app server)? From what I can tell, it doesn’t appear to be running. I believe you’re running IIS for your live site, so the documentation you (or your server admin) would need to follow will be this one:

Some of the steps can be ignored because you already have Percussion successfully publishing to your IIS web server, but I highly recommend working through the full document to ensure that no steps are missed.