Can I re-size images uploaded into CM1?

If we are using a rich text widget, that contains images, what is the easiest way to change the image proportion, or size?

Hi Julie,

The best way to do it is locate the image asset within your asset library and open up the image asset for editing. Once you’re in, click “2” Size the image. Then fix the dimensions to suit your need!



This is actually the process I am trying to avoid. I want to constrain the proportions of the image by sizing it without having to “guess” pixels. In previous versions of CM1, a user could easily size an image much like you would in MS word… How can I replicate that action in the newest version of CM1?

Hi Julie,

There is a way to resize within the rich text editor, however, this styles the image using inline CSS, which is by no means a best practice. However, if you would like to use this method instead, simply go to the rich text widget that houses the image and highlight the image. On the right side of the tool bar will be the insert and edit image button. Once clicked you can alter the dimensions in there. It’ll be a little bit faster, however, again, this is not best practice since this method alters using inline CSS. You could always use the developer tools (F12) in Google Chrome to play around with the image sizes so you won’t have to keep “guessing”.

When adding an image to the Image widget or Image asset, it is possible to re-size it. Step two of the upload process allows you to set the image size and step three allows you to set the size of the thumbnail. By default, resizing will be proportionate, though you can override this by unchecking the box to “Constrain Proportions.” The new size of the image will be visible in the image upload screen when you click off of the image size fields. When you click “Save” after setting the size, the image will be re-sized and the new “original” size will show the size you set it to.

A video of this functionality can be viewed here: Upload and Re-size Images