Can I use Ajax Spry Collapsible Panel and Tabs functionality within page content in Percussion CMS?

My organization is currently in the process of migrating our website into the Percussion CMS. I was told by our IT department that all instances of Ajax Spry Collapsible Panels and Ajax Spry Tabs used in the pages of our current site will need to be converted into jQuery in order to maintain the desired content display functionality and that Ajax Spry doesn’t work in the Percussion CMS environment. Is this true, and if so, is there a way convert Ajax Spry Collapsible Panels to a jQuery Accordians and Ajax Spry Tabs into jQuery Tabs without having to recreate each instance or copy/paste all the content from one to the other?

From this description, it sounds like you are using Dreamweaver and the Spry panels it includes. Is this accurate? I haven’t worked with the Spry widgets at all but we have a post on our help site that walks through applying some code to convert a stack of widgets into an accordion or tabbed view via jQuery.

Take a look at this guide and let me know if this helps or if you are looking for something different: