can sys_CheckBoxTree values be queried via JSR-170?


I am in need of restricting auto slot queries by values in sys_CheckBoxTree(s). However the JSR-170 query debugger page does not seem to display any values for the sys_CheckBoxTree data when I do something like:

select rx:sys_contentid , rx:treeD from rx:mdaDetail where rx:sys_contentid = ‘2307’

Do I have to install PSOToolkit and do a real SQL query to restrict an auto slot query or am I missing something here?

Hi Dermot

If you want to restrict by the checkbox tree then I think your query should look more like this:

select rx:sys_contentid, rx:sys_folderid from rx:mdaDetail where rx:treeD = ‘YOURVALUE’

You cannot return multi value fields in a jsr query but you can use them in your conditional statement.


AFAIK, it is the same for all multiple-value fields, so the information in this thread about DropDownMultiple will apply equally to CheckBoxTree.

In fact I know it does, because I’ve implemented autoslots to find related pages based on commonly selected keywords in a check box tree, by building a JSR-170 query with a WHERE clause that concatenates checked values together as a long list of ORs. It is slow though - adding seconds to the assembly of each page.

Andrew and James… thanks for the info. I’m about to test that out.

I’m about to try concatenating values of a multi-select that way too. That sounds like it will work.


If you want to restrict by the checkbox tree then I think your query should look more like this:

select rx:sys_contentid, rx:sys_folderid from rx:mdaDetail where rx:treeD = ‘YOURVALUE’

You cannot return multi value fields in a jsr query but you can use them in your conditional statement.


James-this is a gift that keeps on giving-it just solved a big problem for me. Many thanks!
