can you use #initslot with prop_slot

hi there,

i want to manipulate the contents of a prop slot but cant find an example of how to do it using #initslot. I want to put a counter on it so i can get the first item in the slot and put a div with a class around it?
Any help much appreciated.

See post using #initslot with prop_slot
Edited to add: Also, check out how to use $sys.index in this thread: Numbering items in a list slot

i’m not sure thats what i need - this is what i have:

#initslot("Carousel_Slot" "")
                   #set($CarouselCount = 0) 
                    #if($sys.currentslot.relresults.size() > 0)
                            #foreach( $relresult in $sys.currentslot.relresults )
                            #set($CarouselCount = $CarouselCount +1)
                                #if($CarouselCount == 1)


I need to get this to filter down usin gthe #prop_slot but i dont know how to drill into the slot results.