Cannot change default workflow in content type


I am using Rhythmyx 6.6. I have tried to copy an existing fast forward content type as a new CT then extent the fields. However, the default workflow still using the previous workflows even though I have added my new workflow (not comes with fast forward) to allowed workflows and still cannot see in the Default Workflow drop down list.

I have even tried to edit the CT xml (psx_ce) to point to the right workflow ID but i still could not get it to work.

Is that a way to edit the allowed workflows and default workflows options within the properties of CT?




In the FastForward Content Types, the sys_workflowid field has a visibility rule that always hides the field in the Content Editor. (It’s a conditional set to 1=2, which always evaluates to false.) Open the Content Editor in Percussion Workbench and change the visibility rule to a condition that will evaluate to true. (For example, set the conditional to 1=1.)


I have set it to 1=1 but in the workbench all i can see for the content type still showing standard workflow and simple workfow in the default workflow drop down list, even though i have already added a new workflow in the Allowed Workflow list box control.

when i edited the CT XML to point to the new workflow id, but when i open the workbench is still show the FF workflow. Is that somewhere in the database remember which default workflow for each of the ct? or somewhere else?

Several factors influence which workflows can be selected in a content type. See this thread for some suggestions.


Do you see the Workflow in the System Design View in the Workbench? In the Percussion Workbench Menu bar, choose Window > Show View > Other; on the popup dialog, select System Design and click [OK].

You may also want to check the ACL of the Workflow to ensure that your development Role has access to it. Right-click on the Workflow and from the popup Menu choose Security. Select the Default entry and confirm that all the boxes under Design Access are checked. If you have a specific Role set up for development, check the access of that Role as well.



Yes, i have double checked and the new created workflows are all appeared under system design and all the design access have been checked under default in ACL.

Just wondering could you recreate the problem in your end? copy the FF content type and assign new workflow as a default workflow.



I cannot reproduce your behavior in an out-of-the-box installation of Version 6.5.2 with FastFoward.

At this point, I suggest you contact Tech Support for further assistance.