Cannot connect to SQL Express during installation

Hi all,
I am trying to install Rhythmyx on my computer. I have gone into MS SQL to create a rhythmyx database as suggested in the instructions. I am using SQL Server 2008.

At the Repository Database Selection stage, I am providing the database server, the SQL login id and password that I have created for Rhythmyx on my local machine.

However, I keep receiving the following error:

Failed to establish connection to the database due to the following error:
Information entered in this panel is incorrect
Server…or login ID…or Password is probably incorrect.

Now I understand that database server name is the problem as I am positive I am using the right login/password.

What I need is an example from someone who sucessfully installed Rhythmyx and connected it to a local database on their PC.

I am using the followiong format:

Database Server:

Login ID


Hi Amar

It can depend on how you setup the user. There are checkboxes which dictate what happens when the user next logs in eg “user must change password”. These options have to be uncheck so Rhythmyx can login successfully.

Also if you’ve created an instance on your SQL server you have to specify the instance name in the login OR use the port number of the instance eg




Hi James, I tried this but to no avail. Has anyone else expreienced issue when installing the trial version of Rhythmyx?

You may need to tell SQL Server to allow connections over TCP, this is not set as default I think. There is a sql configuration manager utility that should have been installed. From Sql Native Client Configuration select Client Protocols from there you should see TCP/IP in the main pane you should be able to right click and enable it.

This is from an older SQL Server but I think it is the same.

SQL Server 2008 allows connections via TCP (he’s actually running it on the same localhost as Rhythmyx), so should not be a problem.
What you may need to check:

  1. How did you create login? - need to go to Databases>Security>Logins and create a login there
  2. Did you associate that login with database? - need to go to Login Properties (opened by above actions), >select User Mappings> top area - select db name from the list > choose user > choose default schema. Bottom area - change membership for this user to public, db_owner (checkbox)
    Check if you have Enforce password policy option checkbox disabled in General (it should be disabled), also may set Default Database for this user to your rhythmyx db - see General, bottom area of the screen.
  3. did you try to login to your db with this login through SQL Server Manager? - try that, you may just misspelled the password or have not done all of the above.
