Cannot copy some editions

Can anyone think of a reason why, when I go to Editions in the Publishing tab on a 6.5.2 system, and click the Copy Edition link, only 15 of the 25 editions are listed in the Select the Edition you want to copy drop-down? The edition I want to copy isn’t listed, yet it is a working edition, being used currently. I notice that 15 is also the number of editions it displays per page in the editions list.



The editions listed in the drop-down are the first 15 in what I assume is alphabetical order (if listing everything that starts with an uppercase letter before any that starts with a lowercase letter.)

…which leads me to workaround: rename the edition you want to copy so it starts with ‘A’, save it, copy it, rename it back again.

I’ve run up against this, too. I just opened two browser windows and did copy-and-paste.

Log into workbench
Go to the XML Server
Open Applications > System > sys_pubEditions
Open the copyedition XML application
Double click on the Result Pager (has numbers 1 2 3 on the icon)
You’ll probably find that the “Max rows per page” is 15. Change it to -1.

I think the XML App will restart on it’s own once you’ve saved the change. If not, then go into the Server Admin Tool and manually restart the XML application.

Now, of course, this is a system application, and the Percussion folks will tell you that this probably won’t survive a patch etc. Our change in 6.5.2 has survived patches all the way up to 14603.

6.6 and 6.7 do away with the sys_pubEditions XML application, and in general, the publishing design UI is very different.

Lastly, that’s all from memory, so if you get unexpected results… Feel free to keep the thread going.


The change you describe will survive a patch (as you have experienced). What it won’t survive is anything that requires running the installer (e.g. an “upgrade”).
